The instructor taught a class of more than fifty students in China. The instructor begins with a warm up activity which involves using a dictation race and it gets the students up and about. The energy of the class is transformed, there is a lot of enthusiasm and the students are seen having lots of fun while trying to win this ‘race’ in different teams. The instructor introduces a topic which is about family, They use gesture as well repeated words and sentences to continue the lesson. The students repeat what they hear and use their fingers to count the members of the family. There is a role play activity that follows, which is one of my favourite activities. The instructor encourages everyone to participate. It is a clearly a very engaging and fun class. The instructor expertly provides feedback and repeatedly uses positive affirmations to instil a sense of confidence to the students. Following the role play the students are put together in smaller groups. The instructor reviews individual groups and encourages students to talk to their fellow group members and ask questions. This was an extremely helpful video to watch and I could relate to a lot of things
My seventh observation – ESL class in China (video)