If you went through the content of my last teaching observation you may have encountered the word ‘monotonous’. I used it to describe how I felt at day 5 of my classroom teaching. The content and lesson layout seemed repetitive but we – myself and my teaching partner, Katie, were also adhering to a reading curriculum which was shared to us by our supervisor. Anyway, during our feedback session after class we brought this up and because our ultimate goal is centered around student satisfaction as well as their learning and engagement we decided to change things up! We changed our layout a bit. The basic layout was still the same – a quick intro activity when students join in, a content overview, warm up, followed by two or more activities (time dependent) and an exit ticket. But we changed how we conducted our reading and grammar practices. We decided to not waste time conducting reading in class but instead offer the reading as a homework assignment. We took the topic from said reading and created a lesson around it. It was met with a lot of success. We curated the lesson in a way where students were able to learn so much more beyond the textbook. Ultimately that should be our goal, right? To revise the contents from the book but also to go beyond that a bit and allow more ideas,, observations and opinions to find space in classroom.
My sixth teaching observation