Day 3 of our teaching and we were ready to follow the curriculum which involved familiarizing them with the contents of the ESL book they were given. We were given a chapter to teach that was decided by our sponsor teacher after our decisions were also taken into account when it came to choosing a particular chapter for the class. A chapter was picked from their Pearson’s reading book. Katie and myself curated a lesson for them. We went through grammar points – Parts of speech, we practiced vocabularies as a class, conducted a reading activity and involved the students by playing fun ESL games, having discussions in groups(breakout rooms) as well as discussed ideas/opinions as a whole class. This was basically our first ‘serious’ class, if I may say so. I say ‘serious’ because now we were moving onto the curriculum in hand and the first two lessons were primarily easier as it involved introductions, a much lighter classroom topic.
My third teaching observation